Zebrafish Vestibular Ocular Reflex Testing System

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No anesthesia is required, Quickly obtain accurate test data


*Zebrafish fixed platform without anesthesia
Can target zebrafish weighing 5-30dpf

*Rotating platform vestibular stimulation system
Rotation accuracy 0.2
The rotation swing frequency is adjustable from 0.1Hz to 1Hz
Control panel membrane keys and LED display
Rotational swing stimulation can be customized

*Zebrafish eye tracking lighting and filming system
Near-infrared LED light with adjustable illumination angle
Shoot 1280*1024 resolution 50 frames, the highest frame rate is 170 frames/second
Rotational synchronous LED pulsed light for phase calculation

*Eye tracking and vestibular function analysis software system
Eye Movement Gain and Phase Analysis Software System


Zebrafish Vestibular Ocular Reflex Testing System is a testing platform for studying behavioral responses and nervous system function in small pattern organisms. The system utilizes zebrafish’s visual and vestibular functions to measure their response to changes in vision, gravity, and angle. This system can be used to study balance and coordination function, neurodegenerative diseases, and responses to drugs and environmental factors. The system usually consists of cameras, tracking software, optical equipment, and laboratory aquariums, among other things.


The advantages of Mouse Vestibular Ocular Reflex Testing System (VOR) include high accuracy and precision in measuring eye movements, quick and efficient testing procedures, and the ability to assess a broad range of vestibular functions that are essential in maintaining balance and spatial orientation. Additionally, the device is low-cost and non-invasive, making it a practical and accessible tool for research and clinical applications.

The Mouse Vestibular Ocular Reflex Testing System (VOR) can provide valuable insights into the mechanisms underlying vestibular disorders and aid in the development of novel therapeutic interventions to improve patients’ quality of life.


The Zebrafish Vestibular Ocular Reflex Testing System has various applications in research fields. It can be applied to cell lineage analysis, mutation identification, saturation permeabilization analysis, gene transfer research, and gene linkage map construction in developmental biology.