Cell Strainers
Cell strainers are manufactured from a strong nylon mesh with evenly spaced mesh pores and gamma resistant. These cell strainers are sterile, rapid, easy-to-use devices for isolating primary cells to consistently obtain a uniform single-cell suspension from tissues. Protect your valuable flow cytometry and cell sorting instrumentation by reliably removing clumps and debris from cell suspensions and clinical samples prior to analysis.Â
*Available in 2 mesh sizes:40 µm, and 70 µm
*2 different colors: bule, and white, for easy identification.
*Improved uniformity of single cell suspensions
*Made of a strong nylon mesh with evenly spaced mesh pores
*The extended lip on the strainer enables aseptic handling with forceps
*Design to fit perfectly into a JET 50 ml conical tube
*Ready-to-use, sterilized by gamma irradiation
*Individually packaged
*DNase-& RNase-free