GF-1 Gelatin DNA Extraction Kit

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The GF-1 Gelatin DNA Extraction Kit is designed for rapid and efficient purification of gelatin from samples such as desserts, marshmallows, yoghurts, soft capsules for supplements and many fat-reduced foods to juices. The extraction protocol is using solely buffer systems without the use of spin column technology. The purification is based on the usage of detergents and denaturing agents to provide efficient lysis, denaturation of proteins and subsequent release of DNA. Special buffers provided in the kit are optimized for efficiency recovery of highly pure DNA from various types of samples. High purity genomic DNA is then eluted in water or low salt buffer, ready to use in many routine molecular biology applications such as PCR, halal testing and other manipulations.


  • High yield and purity
  • Fast and easy purification
  • Reliable and reproducible
  • No toxic or organic-based extraction required
  • Eluted DNA ready for use in downstream applications

Kit Components

  • Buffer CT
  • Buffer IP (concentrate)
  • Wash Buffer (concentrate)
  • Buffer EB
  • Buffer GS
  • Proteinase K

Ordering Information

Catalog No Description Pack Size
GF-GL-025 GF-1 Gelatin DNA Extraction Kit 25 preps