GF-1 AmbiClean Kit (Gel & PCR)

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The GF-1 AmbiClean Kit (Gel & PCR) is designed for rapid DNA recovery from agarose gel and PCR clean-up of DNA bands ranging from 100bp to 20kb. Special buffer provide the correct salt concentration and pH for efficient recovery (80-90%) of DNA from both PCR product and agarose gel from TAE or TBE buffers. The kit is well suited for the removal of agarose, excess dNTPs, short oligo fragments, mineral oil, enzymes from a PCR reaction product, proteins after restriction enzyme treatment and dephosphorylation, residual dye and ethidium bromide. This kit also allows for concentration of DNA, changing of buffers and desalting.


  • 90% of recovery achievable
  • Purification process less than 15 minutes
  • High pure DNA ready-to-use for routine molecular biology applications such as restriction enzyme digestion, PCR, ligation, DNA sequencing, probe preparations, etc.

Kit Components

  • Buffer DB
  • Wash Buffer (concentrate)
  • Elution Buffer

Ordering Information

Catalog No Description Pack Size
GF-GC-050 GF-1 AmbiClean Kit (Gel & PCR) 50 preps
GF-GC-100 GF-1 AmbiClean Kit (Gel & PCR) 100 preps
GF-GC-200 GF-1 AmbiClean Kit (Gel & PCR) 200 preps