Duran Cover Slips, from D 263® M


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  • complies with ISO 8255-1
  • Pure white borosilicate glass (D 263® M) is absorption-free in the visible spectral range
  • High optical homogenity of the glass and thus practically free of surface defects, inclusions, streaks, bubbles and annoying streaks due to optimal manufacturing process
  • Highly transparent and colourless (colour neutrality)
  • High flatness enables optimum working conditions
  • Very uniform wettability

Product Overview

Microscopy is a method of viewing objects that lie outside the resolution of the human eye and can be examined. The objects to be observed are magnified to such an extent that they can be displayed as images. For sample preparation, the objects to be examined are cut into very thin slices. These sections are then applied to an object slide and covered with a cover glass and appropriate solutions. To view the sections under the microscope, the sections on the slide must be dyed in a dye bath.


Catalog No Length l (mm) Width b (mm) Wall Thickness (mm) Quantity
235503404 50 24 #1 10 x 100
235503104 18 18 #1 10 x 100
235503507 50 24 #1.5 Automatic machine 10 x 100
235503207 22 22 #1 10 x 100
235503601 60 24 #1 10 x 100
235503301 40 24 #1 10 x 100
235503704 60 24 #1.5 Automatic machine 10 x 100

Available Options

2355032Cover Slips 22 x 22mm for Microscopy (Box of 100) RM27.15
2355033Cover Slips 24 x 40mm for Microscopy (Box of 100) RM30.00
2355034Cover Slips 24 x 50mm for Microscopy (Box of 100) Old Cat #2355034RM37.70
2355036Cover Slips 24 x 60mm for Microscopy (Box of 100) ** while stock last, special price **RM58.60