Blue-ray EzQuant Quantification Assay Kits

EzQuant quantification assays are your trusted choice for dsDNA HS, ssDNA, and RNA HS detection. These assays utilize a highly specific fluorescent dye that binds precisely to the target molecule. This allows accurate quantification down to 10 pg/µl, even in the presence of contaminants or degraded DNA/RNA. EzQuant quantification assays only require a 1 µl sample and a quick 2-minute incubation, to significantly enhance the efficiency of your quantification processes.

Features and Benefits

Figure 1. Quantitative initial sample concentration ranges (variable sample volume 1 – 20 µl) for EzQuant quantification assays and UV absorbance measurements.UV absorbance measurement can quantify high-concentration samples, but it is not selective for DNA and RNA.


-1X dsDNA HS (0.01 – 100 ng/µl)
-ssDNA (0.05 – 200 ng/µl)
-RNA HS (0.25 – 100 ng/µl)
-UV (2 – 20,000 ng/µl)

EzQuant 1X dsDNA HS Quantification Kit

EzQuant 1X dsDNA HS Quantification Kit contains a highly specific fluorescent dye that is designed for samples with low concentrations of dsDNA, and has good tolerance to contaminants. It provides ready-to-use working solutions and standards that you only need to prepare 1-20 µl of sample and perform measurements with the EzCube Fluorometer, and you can easily and accurately quantify DNA sample concentrations ranging from 10pg/μl to 100 ng/μl.

Blue-Ray Biotech EzQuant Quantification Kit 1X dsDNA HS SensitivityBlue-Ray Biotech EzQuant Quantification Kit 1X dsDNA HS SensitivityFigure 2. DNA sensitivity of the EzQuant 1X dsDNA HS quantification assay.

Blue-Ray Biotech EzQuant Quantification Kit 1X dsDNA HS Linearity
Blue-Ray Biotech EzQuant Quantification Kit 1X dsDNA HS Linearity
Figure 3. Linearity between measured and prepared dsDNA concentrations for EzQuant and Qubit™ assays.

EzQuant ssDNA Quantification Kit

EzQuant ssDNA Quantitative Kit is for ssDNA or oligonucleotides. It enables quick and accurate quantification of low-concentration samples from 50 pg/µl to 200 ng/µl when using with EzCube fluorometer. It does not specifically recognize ssDNA but can also bind to dsDNA and RNA. However, assay results will not be affected by common contaminants; such as proteins, salts, and detergents.

Blue-Ray Biotech EzQuant Quantification Kit ssDNA LinearityBlue-Ray Biotech EzQuant Quantification Kit ssDNA Linearity

Figure 4. Linearity between measured and prepared ssDNA concentrations for EzQuant and Qubit™ assays.

EzQuant RNA HS Quantification Kit

EzQuant RNA HS Quantification Kit contains a highly specific fluorescent dye designed for samples with low concentrations of RNA and it is well tolerant to contaminants. Enabling the quick and accuracy of low-concentration RNA samples ranging from 0.25 to 100 ng/µl when using with EzCube fluorometer.

Blue-Ray Biotech EzQuant Quantification Kit RNA HS sensitivityBlue-Ray Biotech EzQuant Quantification Kit RNA HS Linearity


Qubit™ is a registered trademark of Thermo Fisher Scientific and its subsidiaries. It is used here for identification and reference purposes only.