Liquid Nitrogen Container-Smart Series

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The smart, IoT and cloud management system monitors temperature and liquid levels simultaneously to provide accurate and real-time information on the critical parameters to ensure ultimate sample safety.

Product Features

Liquid Nitrogen Container-Smart Series

Durable Aluminum Construction

Liquid Nitrogen Container-Smart Series

Compatible with All Major Cryogenic Box Brands

Liquid Nitrogen Container-Smart Series

Large Opening Diameter and Large Capacity

Liquid Nitrogen Container-Smart Series

Ultra-Low Evaporation Loss

Liquid Nitrogen Container-Smart Series

65 Litre to 175 Litre Capacity


Model Volume of LN2(L) 2ml Volume Inside Neck Diameter (mm) Static Evapouration Rate* (%/d)
YDS-65-216-FZ 65L 2400 216mm 0.78
YDS-95-216-FZ 95L 3000 216mm 0.9
YDS-115-216-FZ 115L 3600 216mm 0.9
YDS-145-216-FZ 145L 4800 216mm 0.94
YDS-175-216-FZ 175L 6000 216mm 0.94